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We hope everyone had an amazing Holiday Season.

We're excited to inform you that we still do Goalkeeper Training Sessions in the snow.

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you're ready to continue goalie practice.

Best Wishes

The MASA Staff

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Snow Day

We hope everyone enjoys the snow.

(FYI) the snow is a great opportunity to work on diving. Be sure to thoroughly inspect what's under the snow you're landing on.

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Christian Eubanks
Christian Eubanks
01 de dez. de 2024

Tis' the perfect time of the year (for soccer and goalie training) amongst other things.

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"inlineStyleRanges":[],"key":"BCDDK1df6","text":" ","type":"atomic"}],






"description":"Fall & Winter 2024/25

Saturdays. 3:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Potomac Community Recreation Center",




"name":"Weekly Soccer & Goalkeeper Group Sessions.",


"scheduling":"November 30, 2024, 3:00 – 5:00 PM"


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Join us this Saturday for our weekly group session.

This is open to both field players and goalkeepers.

Come by once and give it quick try.

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Christian Eubanks
25 de outubro de 2024 · adicionou uma imagem de capa do grupo.

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Christian Eubanks
25 de outubro de 2024 · adicionou uma imagem de capa do grupo.

Este post é de um grupo sugerido

Christian Eubanks
25 de outubro de 2024 · adicionou uma imagem de capa do grupo.

Este post é de um grupo sugerido

Join us tomorrow for our Saturday group soccer get-together in Potomac, Maryland!

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